A workshop on the application of the Anti-Discrimination Act

In May, at the Library of the Supreme Administrative Court of the Slovak Republic, we organised a workshop on Selected Aspects Related to the Application of the Act on Anti-Discrimination. The participants of the event, which was organized as part of the internal education, were judges of the Supreme Administrative Court of the Slovak Republic and the employees of its Chancellery.

During the workshop, the lecturers introduced the basics of the legal regulation of discrimination contained in the Act on Anti-Discrimination. The introductory part of the interpretation focused on the definition of grounds and basic forms of discrimination under the Act with a specific focus on the area of employment relations, as well as the impact of discrimination and sexual harassment on individuals and organisations. Particular attention was given to the tools for preventing and addressing sexual harassment in the workplace. In this context, the concept of sexual harassment and its forms were defined, the impact and consequences of such conduct were specified. The lecturers introduced and explained the possibilities of protection of and assistance for victims of sexual harassment. Special attention was given to the selected case law related to the application of the Act on Anti-Discrimination. At the end of the event, a stimulating discussion took place, during which the lecturers answered various questions the participants had.

The workshop was facilitated by Veronika Michelčíková and Lucia Gandžalová, both employed at the Slovak National Centre for Human Rights – the organisation providing legal assistance to victims of discrimination and intolerance. The lecturer, specialising on the issues of sexual harassment, was Magdaléna Musilová.